When I initially sat down for that final show there was a man next to me who seemed just a bit out of step from the rest of the crowd. I tried to catch Kelly Cutrone turning around so I could take a quick snap of the back of her jacket that read “Outlaw X PornHub” and this man turned to me and said “Damn, I want one of those jackets!” I’m like “Yeah, it's dope they did that, it makes sense for PornHub, it's like their lettermans.”
He looked at me, confused, and confessed that he feels super out of place and doesn't know anything about “this stuff.” First I thought he looked out of place because he was someone's husband or client—I didn't really care enough to think very hard on why he was there. But when he started acting like a client who “has never done this before” I thought to myself umm, dude, this is PornHub we’re talking about right? Like, you’re a regular-degular middle aged white man in New York City who was lucky enough to be invited to this show and you’re acting like fashion is a foreign concept and you’ve never heard of PornHub and referring to “this stuff” with a boyish expression on your face like you just learned about sex.
Irregardless* I indulge him, I’m like “yeah, PornHub makes letterman jackets for their top performers.” Still looking bewildered he's like “right… umm yeah I don't know anything about this stuff.” And to be clear, I wasn't expecting this man to know about the PornHub letterman stuff, but he was acting like he was playing hot potato with the entire idea of the situation he was in. So I look at him and I'm like “So, what brings you here…?” Turns out he’s a journalist who’s covered Anna over the years and is confused as to what is going on and what she has to do with Kelly Cutrone and PornHub.