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Molly Simmons


Updated: Oct 31, 2023


You may know Erin Caroll as the formerly “childless milf”, who recently fulfilled one of her lifelong dreams of becoming a mother. Petit Mort had the pleasure of chatting with porn mom and internet sweetheart about navigating a public persona that bares all during the sacred transformation of her body and family.


Can you talk about your journey of being an openly pregnant sex worker?


I’m Erin. I’m a 28-year-old adult entertainer, and in February of 2021 I found out I was pregnant!

Over the last 7 years, I have shared just about every aspect of my life, and with that I’ve cultivated an audience who appreciates hearing about and being a part of what I’m sharing. So, when I announced my pregnancy, I was met with overwhelming support! Especially because they knew my husband and knew I had been trying for over a year–they knew what it meant to me. As an established creator with a solid base, I am so blessed that I was able to pace myself as much as I needed to during my pregnancy. When I was too sick or tired, I didn’t feel pressured to work more than I was comfortable with. I still made “enough” money, and everyone came together to clear our registry!

I counted (and still count) my blessings and privileges every day. I would say the only difficulty that arose from being a pregnant sex worker was when I sometimes got comments from anti-sex-work people who disagreed with my decision continue working while pregnant, or disagreed with my decision to pursue motherhood at all. A few people had some very upsetting things to say. But they were few and far between and I’d rather not give them another thought.

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